Dog Licensing

Photo by <a href="">Cal

Regardless of when the license is obtained, the license shall be effective from May 1 of each year to April 30 of the subsequent year for all previously registered dogs.  

NH Law RSA 436:102 requires veterinarians to send a copy of rabies vaccinations to the Town Clerk's Office in the town where the dog is kept.   Within one month from the original date of vaccination, all NEW DOGS must be licensed with the Town Clerk.

Forms Required:

Rabies Certificate 

Spaying or Neutering Certificate


$6.50 for Spayed or Neutered Dog and All Dogs 4 to 7 Months Old

$7.50 if Not Neutered or Spayed.

$2.00 if Owner is a Senior, 65 yrs + (for 1st dog only)

$20 for Kennel License ( 5 or more dogs)

Late fees apply beginning June 1st.

It is up to the owner to report a re-homed or deceased dog. Please email us at [email protected] inform our office of any changes.

NH State Statutes

466:1 Procuring License; Tag – Every owner or keeper of a dog 4 months old or over shall annually, cause it to be registered, numbered, described, and licensed for one year in the office of the clerk of the city or town in which the dog is kept, and shall cause it to wear around its neck a collar to which shall be attached a metal tag with the following information thereon: the name of the city or town, year of issue of license and its registered number. The tag and license shall be furnished by the clerk at the expense of the city or town.

466:7 Additional Charge Where Payment of License Fee is Delayed – In addition to the license fees provided in RSA 466:4, there shall be a charge of $1 for each month or any part thereof that the fees remain unpaid if said fees are not paid before June 1 in any year.

466:13 Forfeiture – Whoever is the owner or keeper of a dog and who fails to license or renew the dog license pursuant to RSA 466:1 shall forfeit $25 to the town or city clerk of the municipality in which the dog is kept. If the forfeiture is not made to the town or city clerk within 15 calendar days of the notice of forfeiture, the case may be disposed of in a district court as a violation with a fine not to exceed $50, notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 651:2, IV. A Forfeiture shall not relieve the owner or keeper of the requirement of proper licensing of the dog as required by RSA 466:1.