Filing Period for March Town & School Election Closes

croydon town hall

The filing period for declaring candidacy has officially closed, paving the way for the upcoming election scheduled for March 12, 2024. Polls will be open from 11 AM to 7 PM, giving residents ample time to vote. Additionally, Town Meeting Day will follow on the subsequent Saturday, March 16, 2024, when warrant articles will be voted on, playing a crucial role in our community's decision-making process.

Croydon residents who cannot attend in person due to specific criteria outlined under RSA 657:17 have the option to request an absentee ballot. This provision ensures that all eligible voters can participate in the election, regardless of their physical ability to be present at the polls.

We encourage everyone to mark their calendars and participate in these important civic events. Your vote is your voice, and it plays an essential role in shaping the future of our community. For more information on absentee ballots and eligibility requirements, please consult the RSA 657:17 guidelines or contact the Town Clerk's office.

PDF icon schoolcandidates.pdf93.57 KB
PDF icon town_candidates.pdf96.37 KB